The Last Fairy and The Black Crow Queen
The Last Fairy and The Black Crow Queen is a love story to the earth and to all who dwell on it, everyone and everything, from the smallest microbial single cell to the sea turtles of off the coast of Western Australia, to your mother.
It is a much needed urgent call to action, a vital clash of fantasy, our reality and a breath taking, rip your soul out read.
The Network demands; if not now then when. Lumia seeks the darkness. Morta wants revenge.
And love, through the younger generation, is the driving force that changes everything. Only one with a broken heart can understand that by losing everything and surrendering, that is when change happens.
This book questions how far would you go to stop an imminent devastating tipping point. Sometimes you have to shout above the comfortable quiet to be heard and bravely yell into the silent space where people turn a blind eye.
Read it, send it as an audio message, photograph the pages, however you feel moved to share it is OK by us. Send it to your friends, your politicians, the change-makers, your children, your parents, to the quiet person in the corner, or to the group extrovert.
Talk about it, rage about it, have your hearts broken, laugh out loud at the outrageousness of the characters then come back to us, C4PP, we are here awaiting your response.
The Last Fairy and The Black Crow Queen
From the outer edges of the universe Rhodite and Temis, from an advanced planet called Lumia, send out an emissary to explore the dark force that has the Earth in its grip. This being, Sita is sent forth and arrives in the fairy dimension on Earth. There, she meets the two figures who are running for their lives, The Guardian of Nature and Azalea, the last remaining human fairy who is connected to her easy going but troubled human, Tom.
On Earth Sita discovers that there are two realms and in each realm, everything looks different.
In the fairy realm, she sees the world for what it is, a dark place being taken over by big companies and corporate greed fueled on by the dark entity Morta, in the human world it is not so apparent to the eye.
The dark entity Morta has one objective, to hunt the last fairy down and suck her very life force so that she can finally take over the Earth but is surprised to see that another being, sent down from Lumia, has landed and things are not going to plan.
Meanwhile Tom is fighting to keep the land wild and free, as his dead mother wanted it; safe from an industrial agricultural takeover.
But things become complicated when Zandi, a multimillionaire‘s daughter, arrives on the scene and nobody is sure of her intentions apart from The Network, who know exactly what she is up to. Whilst Zandi’s exploitative father Scott is busy trying to take over everything, including Tom's farm, Zandi is plotting to take the 1%'s down. She is following through a dangerous but powerful plan.
Also when Tom and Zandi actually do meet unbeknownst to them there is really nothing that can tear them apart.
Meanwhile, the only way Azalea can stop Morta from taking over completely is to bring in the kingdom and cast the last spell but in doing so she has to sacrifice not only herself but the one being that she loves the most in her life.
Whilst the chosen ones Rhodite and Temis look on, they see that Morta is delighted with this knowledge that she can take over, however, things do not go to plan, nor is their emissary Sita quite doing as she was told.
This really is a must read for anyone who thinks we need to change everything in order to survive as a species.